Category: Personal

  • Life.Hmm


    I haven’t updated my blog in a while for a few reasons. I’ve been working, sleeping, and breathing. Not much else. I suppose I just had to take a break from blogging for the winter. Happy 2008 everyone! It’s official, I have been accepted the The Ohio State University at Marion. I hope it will be an exciting time to meat new people. I’m winding down the last couple of months of my high school career. In election news, I was a poll worker for election day in Ohio. An awful lot of Republicans sabotaged the Democratic Primary. Hehehehe. *Cough* anyway, 15 hours of working at the polls was very enjoyable for me.

    I don’t have much else to say, other than we have a snow day tomorrow. I believe we set a record for most snow in 24 hours yesterday. I’m so thankful for furnaces and gas heat is all I can say.

    Take care.

  • Life.Summer

    Finally, that wonderful time is here. I have sucessfully wasted my first day of summer by doing close to nothing. I am pretty excited that I will be a senior next year and own the school. Freshman keep getting more annoying each year.

  • Life.Tribute

    Ahh, Memorial day. This is the day in which we honor and give tribute to all who have given the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom. If it were not for these brave men and women, we might not even have the right to say what we please as we do.

    I got then to thinking about some things. Why do we express such a hatred toward our soldiers fighting? Things are spun up so much letely, so much that we have not the slightest clue of what is going on other than what people tell us from what they heard somewhere else.

    We have so much to be thankful for and we simply take it for granted every freedom that we are given. We take our freedom and use it to complain about things. It seems that we are ungrateful for everything that our soldiers have died for. We take one day from the year to recognize our US soldiers who fight for thier country with honor so that we may live with freedom and piece. If you are reading this, thank a teacher, if you are reading this in English, thank a soldier.

    We will not forget all that you have done with your great service to our country.