Hello there

I suppose that it is time for my once yearly blog post. A lot has happened over the past year, far too much to explain. I am still alive, and I have made it through college. I am now an alumnus of The Ohio State University. Since last time, Soulfire Software has released onto Xbox Live Indie Games. We are all hard at work on our next game, Project TP (super-secret 🙂 ). We have now released two games onto Xbox Live as Soulfire Software. It is an incredible feeling to be able to work with a team that is so passionate for crafting a quality experience for players. So much polish went in to our last game, and that’s really what made it worth a dollar.

In other news, I started full time work at Battelle Memorial Institute, and am enjoying it immensely. I just so happened to stumble onto a ‘Googlesque’ environment where everyone is nice, professional, and super smart. There are also free snacks and drinks to keep up the productivity throughout the day.

Working is far less stressful than school is. I actually have time to do what ‘I’ want to do after work. I usually work on our game for Soulfire when I get home. I am trying to balance working on the game vs. playing them. Zelda: Windwaker is taking up a great deal of my time at the current moment.

Overall, I can say that I am quite happy. Next on the horizon consists of obtaining my IFR rating and getting the Garmin 430 installed in N41AH. Blue skies are certainly up above.