2018 is almost over!

Another year is almost under our belts. This year brought forth adventures, trials, and joys. We went to Oshkosh in the Tri-Pacer and had plenty of maple-bacon ice cream. This is one tradition that I hope will not fade away. That ice cream is delicious. It’s been fun to get to fly as much as I did this year. Val and I flew to Thompsonville, Michigan amongst a sea of trees and deepest blue lakes. With the afternoon sun glinting off the lake, I don’t think I’ll ever forget the scene. Flying to Sylvania during the sunrise casting its long shadow over the ground was also such a memorable experience.

Having these experiences are awesome, but it is even better to have someone to share it with. My mind is up in the clouds, and it is a great privilege to get to share that with other people. We went on a cruise earlier this year down to the Bahamas and Key West during the middle of winter. That was a smart move. I hope we do something like that again.

Every year there is something exciting, and this year is no exception. I get to help out with Friends of Fountain of Hope and continue to support the Christians in Cambodia. The other exciting news is that we bought a house! We got to put a lot of equity into it already with a new water line, furnace, AC, thermostat, garage door, and garage door opener. Whew! It was the first house we put an offer on. We didn’t get it initially, but the previous buyer fell through.

Nothing is more awesome than following God alongside my wife Valerie. I am so grateful to have a partner! I am so grateful to get to use our house to serve people. It is time to hibernate for another winter.

I am thankful for time off work around the holidays, and it feels like I have time to be clear minded and rested. This time of rest certainly restores me to come back and hit the ground running into the new year.