Category: Aviation

  • Good timing

    Here is my once yearly blog post, coming to you for another year. This has been going on for the last 7 years without fail. This is the last day of 2014, so I’m glad that I didn’t miss it. It’s been a busy year, like all of the past years have been. Life never […]

  • Life over the past year

    I’ve been out of school now for one year, and it has been an incredible year so far. I feel like I’ve been everywhere, done everything, and am still just as busy as I was during school. There are always good and bad times, but I am so blessed to be happy and view life […]

  • Aviation.Private Pilot

    Well, sorry for not updating for a couple months, but I have been extremely busy lately. Last week on my 17th birthday, I passed my check ride and earned my Private Pilot’s license! 17 is the earliest age which you can get your private pilot’s license. Because many people don’t know what it takes to […]

  • Aviation.Cross Country

    Today was my day for flying with an instructor on a cross-country flight. For those of you who have no clue what i’m talking about, a cross country flight is defined as a flight with a distance longer than 50 nautical miles (wiki it). For those of you who didn’t know, I am a pilot […]