Author: kanno41

  • Music.Comp

    I have finally finished my first actual composition for music theory class. It ended up being 45 measures long and I think it sounds pretty sweet. A SaX quartet offered to play it, and we will be recording it on Thursday and I will probably put up a link to it here once we get it recorded.

  • Tech.Web

    So the mainsite is only one day off. Everything is ready. Why don’t I just show off the site tonight? I don’t know. I guess I like to savvor the momment for as long as I can. I have been distracted from everything else by this whole project. In other news, I have turned lazy in the category of doing work. 😛 It’s the end of the school year, and I can’t wait to finally relax.

  • Tech.Live

    The site that I have been working at off and on at is finally complete! I’ve learned so much about PHP and CSS by doing this. The finished product is the hardest thing to actually release because normally, you are your own hardest critic.

    Most of it wasn’t all that difficult to actually code. Coming up with ideas for what to put out there and how to actually design it was.

    A lot of credit go out to many people who gave me suggestions and helped make graphics, downloads and other things. The Fearless Few main site will be released this Friday. If someone comments about this on my blog, I will actually release it Thurday; I mean, there is no reason to delay it if it’s already done!

    In other news, this is the first actual real post on my blog. It seems that blogging really does not serve much purpose other than just being a place to relay somewhat useless news. Either way, I guess it is enjoyable to blog.

  • TeCH 403

    For testing’s sake… 403 status code means forbidden, as in the site isn’t to be seen yet.

  • TeCH 404

    So, as soon as this page actually works, we’ll be all set. HTTP status code:404 is Page Not Found. This is the first live post, killing the 404.