Author: kanno41

  • Misc.New Theme!

    I finally found a new theme that looks very nice for this blog.  I’ve got a nice post that I am still preparing about my trip to Phoenix (actually Wittenburg), Arizona in our small private plane.  I’ve got video and other stuff for it, but not nearly enough time right now.  I’m preparing for robotics right now (I’ll have a post about that too), coding and stuff.

    I will have more content later.

  • Life.Hmm


    I haven’t updated my blog in a while for a few reasons. I’ve been working, sleeping, and breathing. Not much else. I suppose I just had to take a break from blogging for the winter. Happy 2008 everyone! It’s official, I have been accepted the The Ohio State University at Marion. I hope it will be an exciting time to meat new people. I’m winding down the last couple of months of my high school career. In election news, I was a poll worker for election day in Ohio. An awful lot of Republicans sabotaged the Democratic Primary. Hehehehe. *Cough* anyway, 15 hours of working at the polls was very enjoyable for me.

    I don’t have much else to say, other than we have a snow day tomorrow. I believe we set a record for most snow in 24 hours yesterday. I’m so thankful for furnaces and gas heat is all I can say.

    Take care.

  • Aviation.Private Pilot

    Well, sorry for not updating for a couple months, but I have been extremely busy lately. Last week on my 17th birthday, I passed my check ride and earned my Private Pilot’s license! 17 is the earliest age which you can get your private pilot’s license. Because many people don’t know what it takes to get a private pilot’s license, I’ll give you a brief overview. You must have a student pilot’s license, meaning you have to go find an FAA Medical examiner because you need a medical certificate to make sure you are healthy enough to fly. With your student pilot’s license, you can not fly passengers. You can only fly with a flight instructor. After enough time and instruction, he will endorse your logbook (Logbook is required to keep track of flights and such while being a student pilot) so that you may solo an airplane all by yourself. As a student pilot striving for a private pilot’s license, you need 40 hours of flight time. 20 hours must be with an instructor and the other 20 must be solo time. The regulations make you do a certain number of night flying, cross-country, and solo hours that make up the 40 hours. You must also pass a 60 question knowledge test to show that you know all of the rules, regulations ect.. It all came down to the wire, and I passed everything. I am so proud that I was able to achieve this. It’s truly a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Now I can fly passengers and go anywhere I want to whenever (Not that I will, of course 😛 )

  • Dynamic Script tags

    It must be the future!  People have used a certain term, AJAX recently to make stealthful requests only the same domain.  This doesn’t work in my case because and can not access each other via AJAX.  One option down, and a Google search to go.  I was looking at something called a dynamic script tag that used something called JSON which was all really complicated and I still don’t understand most of it.

    I’ll try to explain the best way to bypass security policies of AJAX.  Lets say you want to pass on a variable to a PHP script.  You could use GET parameters from the URL that looks something like this
    The final goal is to pass kanno41 or some variable to a PHP script unobtrusively.  What a dynamic script tag does is that it creates a script tag which can access a source file from ANY domain.  Here is an example of what the script will put on the page:

    When this script is loaded, the “woot” variable with the value kanno41 will be passed onto the index.php file. Now, what if you don’t know what variable you want to send yet on page load, or you want someone clicking on something to send that data? This is where the dynamic script tag comes in. It is merely simple javascript.

    When we run this function and pass a URL to it, it will build the script tag which we mentioned earlier. To run a function, let’s do something like this, for something simple:

    This will cause a script from any another server or domain to be loaded right when you would click on that button. In my case, since I am making the script’s source be a PHP script, I pass on the “woot” variable with the value kanno41. When this is loaded, the PHP file will be able to get anything passed to it through the GET parameters.What if you want to pass on something which could change all of the time? Just make a little script like this one for example:


    To me, this is a revelation. I can now send any variables to a PHP script through this method.

    For me, I would have the PHP script return some javascript back, maybe something like


    I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this and maybe you learned something, or maybe you didn’t. Feel free to ask questions about this. Some stuff may not wrap correctly, but there’s nothing I can do about that.

  • Tech.Web Design

    Web 2.0 finally appears to be here and rocking.  I’ve been thinking lately, what exactly makes a website look, well, good.  There is one simple thing that makes a web page look professional; gradients.  Other things like a fixed percentage width also add to a 2.0 design, but gradients are likely the defining point of this web revolution.  It changes sites from This to This.  There are a lot of different examples, but this one is the most obvious.  Also, a dynamic site also defines this Web 2.0.  I have taken my shot at the 2.0 revolution, and ended up with This.  It may look simple on the front end, but every single thing on the page is dynamic, content will be added to the page based on whatever comes out of the database.  I have created mangement pages so every page, content, ect.. can be updated from anywhere.

    The point is is that a revolution many years in the making is finally coming full-circle.  The next-generation of the Web is here at last, none of it possible without Photoshop created by Adobe.

  • Life.Who Cares?

    Hmm, recently I’ve been thinking about what to blog about.  I have realized that this blog is basically for my own personal gain more than anything.  It’s more of a record that I’ll look back to some time from now to realize a distant memory.

    If someone reads my blog, good for you, hopefully it’s not too boring or anything.  This won’t turn into a journal or anything, so don’t worry.

  • Aviation.Cross Country

    Today was my day for flying with an instructor on a cross-country flight. For those of you who have no clue what i’m talking about, a cross country flight is defined as a flight with a distance longer than 50 nautical miles (wiki it). For those of you who didn’t know, I am a pilot working towards my private pilot’s license. A little known fact, aviation gas is 100 octane and costs about $4.75 a gallon!

  • Misc.The internet and the rise of liberalism

    This is just a warning before any of you dive into this. This could possibly be different from your political views. If you are closed-minded, please stop and go away now before you waste your time. Lately (for the past year or so) I have developed an interest in politics. You may think this is wierd, but my views are rather conservative. I know right, OMG WTF A RIGHT-WINGER!!11!1! I have read my fair share of radical blogs, heard lots of speeches, watched hours upon hours watching various news stations. My opinions have formed based on me and me alone. I could delve into a whole sphiel about certain issues, but I’ll save that for a later posting. Right now, I am focused on one thing; the internet. It is nothing short of being the most revolutionary form of communication since the telephone. It allows people to express themselves and form a community regardless of location. The internet has brought many people together from all parts of the world. It would seem though that the internet attracts a certain demographic of the populus; people with liberal viewpoints. You can think of it this way, talk-radio is generally conservative and the internet is generally more liberal. Why does this matter?

    If you take a poll from the internet and compare it to a poll by, per say, telephone, you would find that the results would be extremely different. Ron Paul, seriously? No. He is getting all of this bullshit hype about him on the internet because of his liberal point of view. This brings me to my next point. Extremest-left groups. It seems to be that it is a race on many sites to see who can comment with the most out-there idea. They blame the president for their problems. Yes, this is going to be shocking, I agree with President Bush on the war in Iraq. I’ll go into that in another posting too. It is ignorant to think that no one will make a mistake. We have to look at issues in retrospect instead of in a tiny bubble. We must think, how is this going to affect the people around us. is pure political propoganda. They want their way and they are lobbying Democratic candidates to go more radical in their ideas so they can have money to advertise their campaign. It comes down to being different. Ususally a liberal idea is one that is different from a usually more stable conservative belief. The internet has brought with it expression. Everyone wants to be popular and everyone wants to have an impact or make a difference in this global linked society. A forum and group I have started has gained over 400 members. Why? It could be luck, or it could be that it offered something a little new and different from other forums. The internet has been the enabler of many to get their voice heard. Someone reads a very radical blog rebeling against everything known to be true, tells their freind about it, they tell someone else and it is belived as truth. I will give an example. Imagine someone made a blog to prove the earth is flat. They tell their friends who tell other friends until eventually people will belive it as fact and deny any notion of a spherical Earth ever exsisted in the first place. We don’t know what is happening in Iraq. How do we know it the person reporting the news has any credabillity or whether or not they have an agenda to hurt a cause? New ideas are not bad, but ignorance of fame and popularity for their own entertainment is just plain wrong. No, there aren’t new liberals that are emerging, they just want us to think that. Well, that’s pretty much all of the unstructured writing that I feel like doing for now. Good night everyone. If you are interested on how out of touch and radical people on the internet are compared to anything else, check out this topic on the myresistance forums (you have to register, sorry, but it’s worth your time)

  • Life.Summer

    Finally, that wonderful time is here. I have sucessfully wasted my first day of summer by doing close to nothing. I am pretty excited that I will be a senior next year and own the school. Freshman keep getting more annoying each year.

  • Life.Tribute

    Ahh, Memorial day. This is the day in which we honor and give tribute to all who have given the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom. If it were not for these brave men and women, we might not even have the right to say what we please as we do.

    I got then to thinking about some things. Why do we express such a hatred toward our soldiers fighting? Things are spun up so much letely, so much that we have not the slightest clue of what is going on other than what people tell us from what they heard somewhere else.

    We have so much to be thankful for and we simply take it for granted every freedom that we are given. We take our freedom and use it to complain about things. It seems that we are ungrateful for everything that our soldiers have died for. We take one day from the year to recognize our US soldiers who fight for thier country with honor so that we may live with freedom and piece. If you are reading this, thank a teacher, if you are reading this in English, thank a soldier.

    We will not forget all that you have done with your great service to our country.